PolyScan V Series: Custom Solutions

The PolyScan surround design is fully scalable with the PolyScan V series. The V stands for versatility.

Polyrix built its core software to handle an arbitrary number of scanning units placed at arbitrary (but then precisely calibrated) positions. This allows us to customize our scanner to any particular needs.

Whether you want to use the PolyScan for fully automated in-process inspection, or have a custom scanner configuration adapted to a particular shape, our team of experts will help you through the customization steps.

Create a Custom PolyScan


The PolyScan offers high inspection throughput, which means higher return on investment. Simply put, the more parts get inspected, the more problems are avoided.

Process Control

Since scanning is now made easy, process control is fast to obtain. Validate the repeatability of your process and be certain of your production.

Quick Check

Get a quick check, Go/No-Go, of your part in a matter of minutes. Never guess if you're right anymore, be certain.

Is your company interested to learn more about Surround 3D Scanning?
Polyrix would be glad to perform a free scanning demonstration with one of your part.

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